A Book For Me Reading Programs
Fairfield Middle School
We provided Fairfield Middle School with rolling carts filled with books that can be brought to different classrooms. This makes it easier for kids to access our donated books throughout the school year.

To encourage students to read as many books as possible, we have offered exciting book challenges for middle school students, including pizza parties and prizes. We are currently working with Farifield Middle School to sponsor a book club at the school for those kids that love to read.

Arthur Ashe Elementary School
A Book For Me also provided rolling carts with books to the librarian at Arthur Ashe Elementary School.
For the last two Thanksgivings, we have coordinated with the librarian to supply books to the kids for their annual "Booksgiving". This year every child was able to take home 2 books of their choosing and the school had enough books left over to fill the charity's rolling cart.
We are especially excited for our latest book challenge at the elementary school just in time for the holidays. Our charity awarded stuffed animals to the first 100 kids that completed a reading Bingo sheet before Winter Vacation.
For the last two Thanksgivings, we have coordinated with the librarian to supply books to the kids for their annual "Booksgiving". This year every child was able to take home 2 books of their choosing and the school had enough books left over to fill the charity's rolling cart.
We are especially excited for our latest book challenge at the elementary school just in time for the holidays. Our charity awarded stuffed animals to the first 100 kids that completed a reading Bingo sheet before Winter Vacation.